P0 : NFT Mixing Planet

First Planet: P0 (Aien Upgrade Planet)

P0, the first planet of TEZ, is a space blacksmith planet that can mix NFTs.

To upgrade Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on that planet, you can perform various activities such as mixing NFTs, increasing power, etc.

Through this, you can cultivate Aien NFTs, participate in ecosystem reconstruction, and earn additional rewards.

Key Features

On planet P0, you can participate in three activities:

You can use item NFTs iN-Pass, iN-Force, and Rubion NFT to raise the level of Aien, the main NFT, and you can increase the level-up probability by upgrading the PF power increase function using Perfriends NFT. Additionally, you can merge Rubyon NFTs and convert them into Perfriends NFTs.

Fees paid through this series of processes are swapped to each pool according to the distribution structure and become the basis for various planets.

How to Level Up?

On planet P0, users can upgrade their Aien NFTs by combining NFTs. Here's how users can upgrade their Aien levels:

  1. Mix with NFTs from Channel iN

  • If you acquire iN-Pass/iN-Force/Rubyon NFT and mix it with Aien NRT to level up, you can enter the layer appropriate for your level and earn rewards.

  • The initial value of the level-up probability is the same at 0.01%, and in case of failure, the random probability of 0.001%-0.005% is accumulated.

  • The success rate from level 0 to level 1 of Aien NFT is 100%.

  • When leveling up is successful, the basic probability and total probability are reset.

  • You can stake on the same layer as Aien's level.

Information about Aien NFT is as follows.

  • Basic probability: Experience accumulated when synthesizing item NFT (iN-Pass / iN-Force / Rubion). The probability of synthesis success varies depending on experience, and when synthesis is successful, experience is reset.

  • Overall Percentage: Indicates the overall probability by adding the base probability and PF power.

  • P0 Exp: Cumulative experience gained through P0 activities. Various benefits are given depending on experience level.

  • P2 Level: Indicates the Aien NFT level you currently have. The layers you can stake on vary depending on your Aien level.

  1. Increased PF Power

Another way to level up Aien is to increase *PF Power.

What is *PF Power?

This power is added to the base probability of Aien NFT and can be increased through Perfriends NFT.

  • Users can level up by adding PF Power to the basic probability.

  • PF Power accumulates each time it is synthesized, and users can attempt to level up at the desired rate.

  • If you attempt to level up, PF Power will be reset.

  • After mixing Perfriends NFTs, they are immediately discarded.

Power by PF tier (merge available)

How to Merge?

On planet P0, you can create new Perfriends NFTs by merging Rubion NFTs acquired through services registered by influencers. Acquired Perfriends NFTs can be used as a means to obtain additional rewards on other planets.

  • If you have a certain number of Rubions, you can proceed with synthesis.

  • The number and amount of NFTs paid vary depending on the level that can be obtained.

  • Rubion used in synthesis is discarded immediately after use.

P0 Distribution Structure

The distribution of PER consumed during mixing is as follows.

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